Interactive Web Applications

NOAA Mid-Atlantic RISA team's real-time geophysical map for public engagement:

Impacts of representing sea-level rise uncertainty on future flood risk: An example from San Francisco Bay:


In review / in revision

Ruckert, KL, Srikrishnan, V, and Keller, K (2018). Characterizing the deep uncertainties surrounding coastal flood hazard projections: A case study for Norfolk, VA. arXiv preprint. arXiv: 1812.04673.


Olson, R, Ruckert KL, Chang, Won, Keller, K, Haran, Murali, and An, S-I (2018). Stilt: Easy Emulation of Time Series AR(1) Computer Model Output in Multidimensional Parameter Space. The R Journal. doi: 10.32614/RJ-2018-049.

Wong, TE, Bakker, A, Ruckert, K, Applegate, P, Slangen, A, and Keller, K (2017). BRICK v0.2, a simple, accessible, and transparent model framework for climate and regional sea-level projections. Geoscientific Model Development, 10: 2741-2760. doi: 10.5194/gmd-10-2741-2017.

Bakker AMR, Wong TE, Ruckert KL, and Keller, K (2017). Sea-level projections representing the deeply uncertain contribution of the West Antarctic ice sheet. Scientific Reports, 7(1): 3880. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-04134-5.

Ruckert, KL, Oddo, PC, and Keller, K (2017). Impacts of representing sea-level rise uncertainty on future flood risk: An example from San Francisco Bay. PLoS ONE, 12(3): e0174666. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0174666.

Ruckert, KL, Shaffer, G, Pollard, D, Guan, Y, Wong TE, Forest, CE, and Keller, K (2017). Assessing the impact of retreat mechanisms in a simple Antarctic ice sheet model using Bayesian calibration. PLoS ONE, 12(1): e0170052. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0170052.

Ruckert, KL, Guan, Y, Bakker, AMR, Forest, CE, and Keller, K (2017). The effects of time-varying observation errors on semi-empirical sea-level projections. Climatic Change, 140(3): 349-360. doi: 10.1007/s10584-016-1858-z.

Poster Presentations

December 17, 2015.: (Pre)-Calibrations for a reduced complexity model of the Antarctic contribution to sea-level changes, at the American Geophysics Union meeting in San Francisco, California.

April 16, 2015.: Deep uncertainty about the modes and tails of sea-level projections , at the European Geosciences Union meeting in Vienna, Austria.

July 26, 2013.: Sources of contamination within the upper tributaries of the Portage watershed to reduce harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie, SETGO Symposium in Bowling Green, Ohio.


stilt CRAN package for R:

BRICK v0.2, a simple, accessible, and transparent model framework for climate and regional sea-level projections:

Impacts of representing sea-level rise uncertainty on future flood risk: An example from San Francisco Bay:

Assessing the impact of retreat mechanisms in a simple Antarctic ice sheet model using Bayesian calibration:

The effects of time-varying observation errors on semi-empirical sea-level projections: